The elder benchmark is based on a experiment in a Hele-Shaw cells conducted by John W. Elder in 1965. Although unlike the original experiment the flow is caused by a difference in density then a difference in temperature, but by scaling the parameters a similar Rayleigh number can be achieved and therefore similar results observed. Due to being used to test early modeling software it has become a basic test case for such problem. Over the years studies about this benchmark where conducted, for example by if and when the results converge with the grid density and numerical stability.
Unfortunately the is at the moment no analytical solution for the Elder benchmark. The simulation works by assuming a dense fluid in a mixable single phase environment. On with a hight-concentration fluid is placed on top (in our case on the top right) witch is dissolved and by the power of gravity and diffusion is able to penetrate in to the domain and builds concentration fingers.
For the simulation the following variables where chosen:
variable | value | unit |
length (L) | 300 | $m$ |
height (d) | 150 | $m$ |
extent of intrusion (e) | 150 | $m$ |
pore diffusion ($D_d$) | $3.57\cdot 10^{-6}$ | $m^2/s$ |
retardation factor | 1 | - |
viscosity ($\mu$) | $10^{-3}$ | $kg/m\cdot s$ |
permeability | 4.8404 $\cdot 10^{-13}$ | $m^2$ |
longitudinal diversity ($\beta_L$) | 0 | $m$ |
transversal diversity ($\beta_T$) | 0 | $m$ |
gravitational acceleration(g) | 9,81 | $m/s^{2}$ |
expansion coefficient($\alpha$) | 0.2 | - |
porosity ($\epsilon$) | 0.1 | - |
density ($\rho$) | 1000 | $kg/m^{3}$ |
The simulation of the Elder experiment takes too long to be executed as part of the webpage benchmark. Instead, in the next section pre-computed reference results will be loaded. To actually run the simulation, you can use following code:
# import ogstools as ogs
(click to toggle)
# import ogstools as ogs
# path_to_prj = '../elder/elder.prj'
# model = ogs.Project(input_file = path_to_prj, output_file=path_to_prj)
# model.run_model(write_logs=True)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
(click to toggle)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import ogstools as ogs
from IPython.display import HTML
ogs.plot.setup.dpi = 30 # resolution
(click to toggle)
ogs.plot.setup.dpi = 30 # resolution
ogs.plot.setup.fontsize = 30
si = ogs.variables.Scalar(data_name="Si", output_name="Concentration", output_unit="%")
pressure = ogs.variables.Scalar(
data_name="pressure", output_name="Pressure", output_unit=""
First, we are going to load the dataset produces by the simulation:
mesh_series = ogs.meshlib.MeshSeries("../elder/elder_reference.pvd")
Next, the data at the 1st time step is read:
mesh_t0 = mesh_series.mesh(1).slice(normal="y")
and at the last one:
mesh_tend = mesh_series.mesh(-1).slice(normal="y")
The concentration and pressure at the beginning of the simulation are shown in the figures below.
fig_t0_si = ogs.plot.contourf(mesh_t0, si, vmin=0)
fig_t0_p = ogs.plot.contourf(mesh_t0, pressure)
The concentration and pressure at the end of the simulation are shown in the figures below.
fig_tend_si = ogs.plot.contourf(mesh_tend, si, vmin=0)
fig_tend_p = ogs.plot.contourf(mesh_tend, pressure)
Down below the results are shown in an animated plot
def mesh_func(mesh: ogs.Mesh) -> ogs.Mesh:
(click to toggle)
def mesh_func(mesh: ogs.Mesh) -> ogs.Mesh:
"Slice 2D mesh out of 3D mesh"
return mesh.slice("y", [0, 0, 0])
def plot_func(ax: plt.Axes, timevalue: float) -> None:
"Add the time to the title."
ax.set_title(f"{timevalue/(365.25*86400):.1f} yrs", loc="center")
anim = mesh_series.animate(
(click to toggle)
anim = mesh_series.animate(
0%| | 0/26 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
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Elder, John W., Craig T. Simmons, Hans-Jörg Diersch, Peter Frolkovič, Ekkehard Holzbecher, and Klaus Johannsen. 2017. “The Elder Problem” Fluids 2, no. 1: 11.
This article was written by Marc Walther, Lion Ahrendt. If you are missing something or you find an error please let us know.
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