Variable Dependent Boundary Condition


The component transport process is used for the benchmark setup. Here, a analytical solution of a simple setup is derived and compared to the numerical results. This Benchmark is described in this PDF.

For the setup and parameterization, see the chapter “Density dependent flow - The Goswami Problem” in Kolditz et al. (2012).


UPPER PART: Analytical solution on the right boundary in dependence of time $t$ of the problem indicated with red dashed line in comparison to numerical solution indicated by blue crosses; LOWER PART: development of relative error in dependence of time $t$. Grid spacing for simulations: 0.1; widest time step 10. The relative error is below $5 \times 10^{-5}$ for all simulation times.

This article was written by Jasper Bathmann, Dimitri Yu. Naumov, Marc Walther. If you are missing something or you find an error please let us know.
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