

The tool AddLayer adds one layer of elements with a specified thickness thickness on either on top or bottom of an existing mesh input-mesh and returns the newly generated mesh output-mesh that has an new layer.

One might want to take care that the material groups are reduced, e.g. material groups should not be [0,2,5], but [0,1,2]. The new layer will have the material group ID of the highest material group +1 if not otherwise specified. With the switch --copy-material-ids the material group IDs of the extruded layer will be kept. With the switch --set-material-id the material group id of the new layer can be set to a different value than the default value of ‘highest material group number plus one’.

The tool requires the OGS-6 node ordering in the elements. A different node ordering may lead to unexpected results. In case one might try to change the ordering using the tool NodeReordering.


AddLayer -i <input-mesh> -o <output-mesh> [-t <thickness>]

Simple example

One material
A simple cube mesh with one material group (red).

Added layer
The updated mesh where an additional layer (blue) was added on top of the domain with a second material group.

Usage for example:

AddLayer -i quad.vtu -o quad_with_new_top_layer.vtu -t 1


The tool was used to add a “soil” layer to the hydro-geological model of the Unstrut catchment within the INFLUINS project:

Fischer, T. and Naumov, D. and Sattler, S. and Kolditz, O. and Walther, M. (2015): GO2OGS 1.0: a versatile workflow to integrate complex geological information with fault data into numerical simulation models. Geosci. Model Dev., vol. 8, p. 3681--3694, DOI:10.5194/gmd-8-3681-2015

The tool is used in the OGS-GIScape workflow.

This article was written by Thomas Fischer. If you are missing something or you find an error please let us know.
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