Complete workflow for simulating a geological model with time and space dependent boundary conditions (advancing glacier)

In this three-part tutorial we look at the mechanical deformation of a sedimentary basin under an advancing glacier. In detail we show you a possibility how to

  • create a mesh with Gmsh,
  • implement space- and time-dependent boundary conditions,
  • write an OGS input file,
  • visualize the results with ParaView.

As a common programming language we use Python.

Part 1: Preprocessing

Part 2: Solving

Part 3: Postprocessing

Supplementary material

NOTE: Due to ongoing development, was integrated in the ogs-repository for ogstools. In order to work with the tutorial and apply msh2vtu on mesh_basin.msh, ogstools need to be installed at first.

ogstools can be installed from PyPI using pip. It is recommended to set up a virtual environment beforehand:

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install ogstools

More detailed information about the usages and development of ogstools can be found in ogstools Documentation. After installation the tool can be applied as described in the first video-tutorial. To apply msh2vtu on the mesh_basin.msh the command should look like:

msh2vtu --ogs --rdcd mesh_basin.msh

This article was written by Dominik Kern. If you are missing something or you find an error please let us know.
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