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An important parameter defined for each iterative linear solver is the “error tolerance” (direct solvers don’t use the tolerance settings).
Combined with abstols
from section Time loop it defines the acceptable level of error in the obtained result.
Those two parameters are interconnected with each other. Setting either of them too tightly will result in an error message referring to problems, implying that a smaller time step needs to be set up. If the settings are too loose, results may be erroneous.
As the variables are interconnected, it is possible to avoid error when one of the tolerances is set too low, by setting the other one a bit too high.
Generally, the error tolerance of a linear solver should always be tighter than abstols
Unlike abstol
, “error tolerance” is not specific to “process variables” and is defined as one value.
For most cases value below $10^{-10}$ is recommended.
See Running OGS with MPI-page for details.
This article was written by Feliks Kiszkurno. If you are missing something or you find an error please let us know.
Generated with Hugo 0.122.0
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Last revision: February 4, 2025
Commit: [ci] Fix win test-artifacts and env vars. c26d6f7
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