The executable OGS for MPI parallel computing is compiled with a special build configuration. If you need to compile the source code, please read Build configuration for MPI and PETSc.
To conduct DDC enabled parallel computing with OGS, following steps are required:
For the domain decomposition approach, an application of OGS using METIS as a node-wise
mesh topology partitioner, partmesh
, is provided to partition meshes by node. An example of how
to partition meshes is available in a workflow documentation on how to create a simple parallel model. You can type partmesh --help
for the detailed
command line options.
The partitioned meshes are written in binary files for a fast parallel reading in OGS.
Setting the PETSc solver is the only change the in project file for running parallel OGS with PETSc.
For the linear solver, it is done by adding a tag of petsc
inside linear_solver
<parameters>-ksp_type bcgs
-pc_type jacobi
-ksp_rtol 1.e-16 -ksp_atol 1.e-12
-ksp_max_it 4000
If the tag of petsc
is not given in project file, the default setting of the PETSc
linear solver will be taken, which uses the solver type of cg
the preconditioner type of jacobi
For the simulation of coupled processes with the staggered scheme, a prefix
can be used by the tag prefix
to set the PETSc solver for each process, individually.
For example:
<parameters>-T_ksp_type bcgs
-T_pc_type bjacobi
-T_ksp_rtol 1e-16
-T_ksp_max_it 3000
<parameters>-H_ksp_type bcgs
-H_pc_type mg
-H_ksp_rtol 1e-12
-H_ksp_max_it 4000
The above example shows that once a prefix is given for PETSc linear solver
settings, the original prefix of PETSc
keyword, -
, can be replaced with a new prefix, -[given prefix string]_
. In the
above example, -
, is replaced with -T_
and -H_
, respectively.
An introduction and a list of PETSc KSP solvers and preconditioners can be found by this link.
If you have configured OGS (OGS_USE_MKL=ON
) and PETSc (--with-mkl_pardiso-dir=... --with-mkl_cpardiso-dir=...
) with MKL support then you can run the parallel Pardiso solver with .e.g.:
<parameters>-mat_type mpiaij
-pc_type lu
-pc_factor_mat_solver_type mkl_cpardiso</parameters>
See the PETSc docs for more info on the solver settings. The prebuilt containers support this configuration.
For MPI launcher, either mpiexec
or mpirun
can be used to run OGS.
Preferably, mpiexec
is recommended because it is defined in the MPI standard.
The number of processes to run of mpiexec
must be identical to the number of mesh partitions.
For example, if the meshes of a project, foo.prj
, are partitioned into 5 partitions,
OGS can be launched in MPI as
mpiexec -n 5 ogs foo.prj -o [path to the output directory]
Running PETSc enabled OGS with one compute thread does not need mesh partitioning.
However, the MPI launcher mpiexc
or mpirun
is required, e.g.:
mpiexec -n 1 ogs ...
Additional PETSc command line options can be given as unlabelled arguments at the end of the OGS run command preceded by two
(... ogs ... -- [PETSc options]
With PETSc command line options, you can
mpiexec -n 5 ogs foo.prj -o output -- -ksp_converged_reason -ksp_monitor_true_residual
mpiexec -n 5 ogs foo.prj -o output -- -ksp_type gmres -ksp_rtol 1e-16 -ksp_max_it 2000
For Linux clusters or supercomputers, a computation job has to be submitted to the queue and job management system, which may require a special command to launch the MPI job. A job script for such queue system is required.
The cluster system EVE of UFZ uses SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management) to manage computing jobs. Here is an example of a job script for the SLURM system on EVE:
#SBATCH --job-name=ARESH_HM_3D_20
#SBATCH --chdir=/home/wwang/data_D/project/AREHS/HM_3D
#SBATCH --output=/home/wwang/data_D/project/AREHS/HM_3D/output/log_%x_%j.txt
#SBATCH --error=/home/wwang/data_D/project/AREHS/HM_3D/output/err_%x_%j.txt
#SBATCH --time=0-48:00:00
#SBATCH -n 20
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4G
#SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END
export MODULEPATH="/software/easybuild-broadwell/modules/all/Core:/software/modulefiles"
module load foss/2020b petsc-bilke/3.16.5_foss2020b
module load OpenMPI/4.0.5 HDF5/1.10.7 GMP/6.2.0
/bin/echo In directory: `pwd`
/bin/echo Number of CPUs: $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK
/bin/echo File name: $1
srun $APP $PRJ_FILE -o /home/wwang/data_D/project/AREHS/HM_3D/output
In the job script for EVE, module load foss/2020b
must be presented, and
is a sort of MPI job launcher.
If a job fails with an error message about a ‘shared library not found’, you can check
the EVE modules specified in the files in the source code directory:
scripts/env/eve, and add the corresponding modules to the load list
in the job script.
Once the job script is ready, you can
sbatch [job script name]
,scancel [job ID]
.For the detailed syntax of job script of SLURM for EVE, please visit (user login required).
A prebuilt container with ogs
(current master) is available at:
You need to modify your submit script, e.g.:
srun apptainer exec /data/ogs/apptainer/guix/ogs-petsc_head.squashfs ogs $PRJ_FILE
There are two output types available, VTK and XDMF.
In the project file, output type can be specified in the type
tag of the output
for example:
The results are output in the partitioned VTU files, which are governed by a PVTU file. The data in the ghost cells of VTU files are overlapped. An OGS utility, pvtu2vtu, is available to merge the partition VTU files into one VTU file, meanwhile to eliminate the data overlapping. Here is an example to use that tool:
pvtu2vtu -i foo.pvtu -o foo.vtu
Where the input file name is the name of PVTU file.
If you use the merged mesh together with some meshes that for
initial or boundary conditions for a restart simulation, you have to reset
the bulk geometry entity ( node, face, or element) IDs of the meshes to the merged mesh by using toolidentifySubdomains
For example, north.vtu
, south.vtu
, and top.vtu
are the meshes for the
boundary conditions, their bulk geometry entity IDs can be reset by running
the following command:
identifySubdomains -f -m foo.vtu -- north.vtu south.vtu top.vtu
With XDMF, OGS outputs two files, one XDMF file and one HDF5 file with file name
extension of h5
. You can use ParaView to open the XDMF file by selecting
or Xdmf3ReaderT
. The XDMF output is highly recommended for running OGS with a large mesh, especially on supercomputers.
This article was written by Wenqing Wang. If you are missing something or you find an error please let us know.
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Last revision: July 8, 2024
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